Violets, Songs and Sunshine: Beltane Greetings & Playlist

pink flower in tilt shift lens
Cherry Blossoms

Beltane (May 1st) is the quintessential celebration of blossoming, a feeling of potent possibility fills the air, ripe with pollen and pollinators. Viburnum and peach trees flower, maple’s red leaves burst and the oaks consider that it may be time to join the party.

The flirtation that filled the air during the ancient rites of Beltane is captured perfectly, and referred to as twitterpating, in this clip from the Disney movie Bambi (spring energy in animation).

Beltane Rituals

Ancient Beltane traditions involved fires, frolicking and fertility rites. The ecstasy of spring was embraced by our ancestors who lived so deeply connected to the land. This blissful rise of creative energy is within each of us. It is a fire, readily stoked, when we lean in and wiggle our toes in the mud of our divine wildness.

By embracing intention in simple acts we can make lighting a candle, watering a plant and pouring tea all feel sacred. There is no judgement in ritual. Speak, sing, scream, dance! Some Beltane celebration suggestions for you:

  • play music and move your body- here’s my Beltane playlist -have a listen
  • pick violets and add them to salad, butter or press them into sugar cookies just after they come out of the oven
  • bring flowers into your living space –  make mandalas, flower crowns or bouquets
  • light candles (green for abundance & fertility, red for strength & passion and white to banish negativity)
  • voice what you are fired up about- write, speak or sing all that you plan on bringing to life this spring & summer
  • take a dip in a cool stream- cold plunges are great for circulation- even just dipping toes is pretty powerful
  • gather around fires if you can!

Functional Medicine Feature

One of the most powerful takeaways from my work with clients is how many people are under chronic stress. While that may be no surprise the thing that really shocks me is that most people don’t realize it. We are programmed to accomplish so much in a day, a week, a lifetime that we get used to nonstop action. The clinical data often shows inappropriate cortisol levels and deficiencies in related stress hormones which can lead to new realizations, for many people, about the root cause of their health imbalances. One simple health practice is to step out in the morning sun, it helps wake you up with a rise in cortisol to energize for your day. This morning ritual also helps set melatonin up to kick in when it’s time for you to sleep.

Functional medicine takes a comprehensive view of your genetics and your environment to solve medical problems and promote optimized health. Treatment plans include customized guidance with nutrition, supplements, botanicals and supportive lifestyle practices. We utilize lab testing when appropriate and account for any pharmaceuticals you may be taking. Weight gain, hormonal imbalances, chronic pain or digestive imbalances are just a few of the conditions that we can address together. I am now accepting new clients and you can set up a complimentary chat with me through this link to my personal calendar. If we decide to partner in improving your health you will receive a sweet spring discount for being part of my newsletter community, just let me know when we speak that you are a subscriber. 

green ceramic mug beside book
Morning Light

Violet Honey

Here’s a super sweet and simple recipe to prepare now in order to treat irritating coughs and sore throats next winter. Find a small jar, a patch of violets from a clean place (foragers rule is that if you find more than 10 plants then you may harvest 3-4) and some raw honey. Fill your jar with violet flowers and leaves (I typically work with the common blue violet, Viola sororia), fill it again with honey and store it, out of direct sunlight, for 4-6 weeks. At that point you will strain the honey into another jar. If the honey does not pour you can warm it at a low temperature in a double boiler. I create this by adding water to a small pot or pan and putting the jar in for just a few minutes, as the water heats up, taking care not to compromise the beneficial microbes in the honey by over-heating it. Your honey remedy can be taken by the spoonful or added to effective and delicious! Check out those gorgeous heart shaped leaves, full of vitamin c and salicylic acid (wonderful for inflammation).

You’ll hear from me next on Summer Solstice. Keep in touch via instagram and facebook and book an appointment or a complimentary discovery call here. Wishing you morning sunshine baths and arugula salads dotted with violets.


selective focus photo of purple petaled flowers


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Ashley Sapir Lathrop

I am an herbalist, health coach, educator and writer.

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