Exciting News & Healthy Ice Cream

a number of plants in a garden near a sign

August has brought buckets of rain, wild weather and an aromatic abundance of herbs and flowers. Dreamkeeper’s apothecary gardens are spilling over with good medicine from the earth. After a month of travel I am joyfully rooting back into the Hudson Valley and celebrating an amazing local food season. Amidst the days on the road I have been growing some new projects and collaborations I am so excited to share with you. Stay tuned for announcements over the coming months.

Exciting Dreamkeeper News: In Person Office Visits-Yay!

In March 2020 my weekly trips to see clients in Manhattan stopped and I closed the doors on my home office space and apothecary. I began teaching and seeing clients online and working, remotely, with a functional medicine practice in Westchester. I tended Dreamkeeper Farm, stewarded my growing kids and upped my technology skills – not fully realizing how much I was missing working with people in person. Life is like that, isn’t it? We can get so caught up in doing what we have to do that we forget what we want to do! Sometimes we get little whispers reminding us and other times it hits like a tidal wave. The need to be back in real spaces with my clients, working on their health, is undeniable and I have found the perfect home for Dreamkeeper Botanicals at The Sunset Healing Collective in New Paltz. You will be able to make “in person” appointments with me on Mondays and Wednesdays while checking out all of the amazing things that take place there. Check out this beautiful healing space, created by Kristin Misik, and use this link to schedule your Wellness Consultation.

Class on Monday in Kingston: Free through Sacred Reciprocity

This Monday you are invited to a class at the The Kingston YMCA Farm Project in collaboration with The Holistic Health Community. I’ll be guiding our group on how to craft herbal infusions from the gorgeous medicinal plants that grow so abundantly there. I’ll share a variety of recipes for different needs and situations. Please register and bring your favorite mug. Hope to see you there!

flier for herbal infusions

Healthy Ice Cream

My work allows me to wear many hats, a great thing for someone who craves novelty and a variety of experiences. I love wellness consultations where we start to solve the puzzle, discover root causes, and map out the path to optimal wellness. It truly fires me up. Even more important is the “tending”, the growth and positive change that comes from committing to an ongoing partnership. There can be a lot of fire when a person first decides to work on their health and t sometimes dwindles when overwhelm, busyness or boredom set in. Some serious magic happens in the bi-weekly meetings where we celebrate successes and work through blocks!  A lovely person I am currently working with has stopped eating dairy and sugar to address ongoing inflammation that has affected the quality of her life. This recipe has made her feel that she can enjoy something delicious while still caring for her body.

Cleopatras’s Iced Coconut Cream

-1 13.5 ounce can of full-fat coconut cream

-3 pitted dates

-1/2 cup raw cacao powder

-1 tsp vanilla extract

Blend the mixture, pour it into an airtight container and freeze overnight. You can (but don’t need to) stir the mixture every hour or two, to help incorporate air into the ice cream, making it lighter and fluffier. If you want for it to be just vanilla flavored you can leave out the raw cacao and increase the vanilla extract.

person holding bunch of black berries

Add berries. 

The antioxidants and phytonutrients in colorful berries protect our cells and keep them healthy in the face of stress and sun exposure. Eating a cup and a half of blueberries and raspberries daily gives us about a third of our necessary fiber along with a healthy dose of polyphenols. This mixture can slow cognitive decline and benefit your cardiac and metabolic health, reducing your risk of dementia, heart attack and type 2 diabetes. Health practices that are impactful and delicious are a definite win.

What I’m Into:

Reading The Familiar

Listening to Samuel J

Hitting the local swim holes (fingers crossed the rain has stopped for a while).

Hit Reply and let me know what you are fired up about right now!



Ashley Sapir Lathrop

I am an herbalist, health coach, educator and writer.

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