Ashley Sapir Lathrop

I am an herbalist, health coach, educator and writer.

Plants/ Learning & Nourishing Ourselves in 2021

In a month oriented towards self improvement and resolutions, let us not forget the energy of winter and the rhythms of the season. Beginning the day with a warm cup of tea, and gently shifting into a bundled walk or an indoor movement session is an ideal way to start your day and set your biorhythms. Morning movement and sunshine set you up well for the cortisol spike that naturally energizes you and keeps you from needing caffeine. Mid-day, if you hit an afternoon slump, step out for some fresh air, have an “at your desk dance party” or enjoy a smoothie (packed with essential nutrients) or a nourishing herbal infusion.

Plants/ Learning & Nourishing Ourselves in 2021 Read More »

Herbalism with Ashley Sapir Lathrop

Guided Meditation for Spring & Covid-19 Resources

As spring begins, our natural desire for expansion is at odds with the reality of what we are experiencing. As we extend and intensify our season of hibernation how can we remain open to what spring brings? I am finding that lighting a candle, taking a few moments to feel my feet on the ground, my own heartbeat and the rhythm of my breath helps me to keep up with the demands of this new reality.  I wanted to try something new this Equinox weekend (since we can’t gather in person) so I’ve recorded a meditation for you, followed by a lot of resources for Covid-19.

Guided Meditation for Spring & Covid-19 Resources Read More »

Lake Minnewaska

Winter Newsletter + New Year’s Blessings

Just this week I felt the shift, the days gaining on the nights. While we have cold months ahead, the wheel of the year turns on. As it does, we have the opportunity to lean into the teachings of winter. Winter light, winter magic, the crystalline energy of full moons glistening over snow (tonight is the first full moon of 2020, the Wolf Moon, and a lunar eclipse), and quartz crystals glimmering in the morning light. Leaning into the silence

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Wall of Pumpkins

Autumn Herbs & Events

Autumn Blessings! No matter your tradition we have just concluded a time of celebration as we move through this season of harvest. With roots as pastoral people, most of our cultures and religions celebrate this past full moon (the Harvest Moon), or Autumnal Equinox….or as I did as a child, Rosh Hashanah, which is always celebrated on the new moon. It is a time of gathering and preparing for the winter ahead with a flurry of activity and wise preparation.

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Join the Seasonal Newsletter

Join the seasonal newsletter to get recipes, insights and inspiration delivered to your inbox on each of the holidays that mark the  wheel of the year. You'll receive ritual practices to deepen your connection to nature and the energetics of each season as well as functional lifestyle tips for empowered health.