Ashley Sapir Lathrop

I am an herbalist, health coach, educator and writer.

Soup Recipe Extravaganza

This is the season for soups and there are so many ways to make them. I like to make broths, use a bit and stick the rest in the freezer. Those broths serve as a base for soups or can be used for sipping, cooking rice or sauteeing vegetables. Bone broths can be very nourishing for those who are willing and there are also great veggie and vegan options. Consider this a soup recipe smorgasbord. 

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Discovering Your Dosha (Exploring yourself through an Ayurvedic lense)

Ayurveda Medicine sees people as unique combinations of basic patterns that are influenced by environment, seasons, diet and lifestyle. These patterns can help determine a person’s dosha or inherent constitution. There are three doshas and most people have one primary dosha with one or both of the other doshas adding to the whole picture.

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