
nature, bud, spring

Imbolc (mid-winter) News, Energy Bite Recipe & Announcements

Imbolc Blessings Imbolc blessings! Halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox Imbolc is a land based holiday celebrating renewal. This year, if you follow a seasonal calendar, Imbolc landed on February 4th. Originally celebrated as a holiday of the Celtic Wheel of the Year, this cross quarter holiday is now embraced by pagans

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Adaptogenic Herbs & Amazing Upcoming Events

I have three opportunities to share with you, before discussing herbs that help us to find peace and resilience. This is always an important topic; it is especially relevant in August as we prepare for the seasonal transition. I find that by working with adaptogenic herbs at the end of summer we can set ourselves up for a healthier and heartier fall and winter. Below you’ll read about some amazing adaptogenic plant allies and simple, delicious ways to bring their medicine into your life.

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Rose Medicine

Join the Power Collective & Remember to Breathe!

Do you ever forget to breathe? It is the most simple thing in the world, we are born knowing how to do it, and somewhere along the line we may learn to constrict ourselves to shallow breathing. Each time we pause and focus on our breath we switch from thinking mode to feeling mode. Lately I have been breathing with the roses and it has been AMAZING. Their vibrant energy pulls me out of my head and back into my body. Breath work is at the root of my meditation practice and I find I’m so much more successful when I sit with plants.

Join the Power Collective & Remember to Breathe! Read More »

Join the Seasonal Newsletter

Join the seasonal newsletter to get recipes, insights and inspiration delivered to your inbox on each of the holidays that mark the  wheel of the year. You'll receive ritual practices to deepen your connection to nature and the energetics of each season as well as functional lifestyle tips for empowered health.